Monday, February 18, 2008

Craft Lesson 3

Wong: Minn and Jake

Topic: Friends (Individual Work: 3rd Grade)

Each child either has or feels the need to have a certain special someone with whom to share their everyday life experiences with. This is why friends are very important. Children need to learn how to behave with as well as treat their "friends." In order to grow up into a healthy and more stable adult, a child must have be able to properly develop socially/emotionally.

How to Teach it:
1. Read the book to the children.
2. Ask them to think about Minn and Jake's friendship. Then, ask them to think about their own friends.
3. Have the children each draw pictures of things they enjoy doing with their friends (such as riding bikes, playing on the playground, etc.) and then have them write down an explanation of their drawing. Ask them to think and talk about the how their friends make them feel.
4. You can then make a "FRIENDS" book by binding all of their pictures together.

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