Sunday, January 27, 2008

Wong: Minn and Jake (The End)

This book is so far my favorite. I love the way in which the characters interact. The simplicity in which the story is written, allows the reader to acknowledge the innocence of the children. This story describes the feelings of two very different people, who because of their great differences (compared to other class members), have come to become good friends. This story is not only "cute," but it is also a great teaching tool that could be used to help children deal with their everyday issues (such as self esteem problems). Janet Wong does an extraordinary job of capturing the ideas, opinions, views, and problems of the young child.

The only thing that I still don't understand is: Why would Minn compare herself to a squid out of the many beautiful reptiles? Those things are gross!! I know as a child, I would think of myself as strong or smart, but never once did I think of comparing myself to something "gross." I guess since she does love catching and rescuing lizards, she probably enjoys comparing herself to a squid.

Wong, Janet S. Minn and Jake. Illus. Genevieve Cote. New York: Frances Foster Books/Farrar, Straus, and Giroux., 2003.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha, i agree! I think the squid analogy was just supposed to be silly... I have a sister who is in the 5th grade, and she reminded me so much of Minn. She loves animals (especially penguins and starfish!)

I think that when you are that age that you just enjoy the different characteristics of animals... especially strange animals like a squid. And maybe since Minn felt so different she liked being compared to a different-looking animal.

In fact... Im pretty sure I will have to mail my copy to my sister so she can read it!